Welcome to SpikeSchool!
Here you'll find some helpful resources to get you started as well as some great drills to push your game to the next level.
We've also got some great tutorials for how to introduce Roundnet to a younger audience using the Spikeball Rookie Kit. Just keep scrolling down.

To get you started we have Tutorials 1 -5 with Skyler Boles, 2 x US National Champion, and yes, 1 x AUS National Champion too (don't ask why we invited him).

Okay, now we are serving up some drills for the intermediate players. Skyler takes us through some hitting, passing and defensive drills to get you tournament-ready.

If you can consistently nail these drills then you are playing a really high level and if you are not playing in tournaments YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD BE!
But first, here's how to set up your new kit!
Beginner Tutorials
SpikeSchool Lesson 1: Passing
SpikeSchool Lesson 2: Hitting
SpikeSchool Lesson 3: Defence
SpikeSchool Lesson 4: Deception
SpikeSchool Lesson 5: Serving
Intermediate Tutorials
SpikeSchool: Intermediate Hitting Drills 1
SpikeSchool: Intermediate Passing Drills
SpikeSchool: Intermediate Defence Drills
Advanced Tutorials
SpikeSchool: Advanced Hitting Drills
SpikeSchool: Advanced Passing Drills
SpikeSchool: Advanced Defense Drills
Spikeball Rookie Tutorials
Introducing Roundnet to Primary School aged students. These tutorials will give you some ideas about how to get young players playing and learning some of the fundamental skills involved in Roundnet. There are also some game modifications that students and teacher alike will enjoy.