Thinking about Spikeball equipment for school?
Best decision you'll make all year!
By bringing Roundnet to your school you are writing yourself into the history of the next great sport in Australia.
Yes, Roundnet is perfect for your HPE classes but it's also great for lunchtime sports or Outside of School Hours programs. You'll get hours of inclusive, energetic activity out of a set of Spikeball kits!
Book a Spikeball Specialist
Book a Spikeball Specialist to kick start (or grow) your roundnet program at school.
We have a really fun program that is designed to maximise participation and engagement. It's not just for sporty kids! We want to use the opportunity we have with this new sport to get everyone active and involved.
We supply all equipment and can run a session for up to 32 students that is aligned with the Victorian and Australian syllabus.
Prices are for 40-60 minute sessions, delivered on the same day and available to all schools within the radius on the maps below. If your school is outside this radius or you would like to book multiple visits we'll need to tailor a quote for you.
1 Session: $195 +GST
2 Sessions: $300 +GST
3 Sessions: $395 +GST
4 Sessions: $480 +GST
5 Sessions: $555 +GST
6 Sessions: $620 +GST
Complete the form below to request dates for a Spikeball Specialist to visit you. We'll get back in touch to confirm availability.
Currently only available in Melbourne.
Schools Tell Us Roundnet Is...

New and exciting
Particularly by the time students are in high school they have pretty well formed opinions about which sports they like and don't like. But Roundnet is different.
Everyone wants to give it a try!

Highly engaging
Roundnet is a 2 vs. 2 sport where consecutive hits must alternate between team mates so students are highly involved.
In a typical three hit play (receiving, setting and spiking) each student would be involved in every offensive play.

Building on existing skills
Every student has played downball/four-square/handball at least once in their life.
Roundnet builds on the hand-eye coordination and body positioning but adds the team aspect of beach volleyball and a 360 degree dimension.
Do you have any resources to help us integrate Roundnet into our classes?
You bet we do!
Purchase your Roundnet equipment from us and we'll include the complete Roundnet Resources & Activity Guide for Levels 5-8. This resource has been developed in collaboration with Roundnet Australia, ACHPER Victoria and Australian HPE teachers.
It has been designed to be a flexible resource allowing you to either teach Roundnet as a stand alone unit or if your students are familiar with the sport, you can use a thematic approach so
your students can understand the similarities and differences between various sports.
A Complete Roundnet Resource
Everything you need to develop a Roundnet unit or incorporate into a Net/Wall Unit.
45 pages including unit overviews, Roundnet activities, assessment tasks and official Roundnet rules.
Links to Australian & Victorian Curriculum
2 x Roundnet Unit Overviews
Level 5/6 + Level 7/8 for both the Australian and Victorian
Links to relevant content descriptions, skills focus and learning intentions.
Heaps of Roundnet Activities
20+ Roundnet related activities for use when teaching Roundnet.
Each activity is fully described and includes progressions, modifications, teaching points and key questions for you and your students to consider.
Can I get some free equipment for my school?
Great question!
We are just a little bit passionate about the sport (if you hadn't picked that up yet) so if we could give away Spikeball kits to every school in Australia we would! Unfortunately though, that's not really possible.
What we can do is include extra equipment depending on the volume of your order.
Scroll down and complete the form below and we'll let you know what we can provide you. To give you an idea, if you order a total of eight Spikeball Pro or Spikeball Rookie kits then we can add another kit of your choice free of charge.
How do I book a specialist or get some equipment?
1 - Complete our Form
Complete the form below so that we know exactly what equipment you are after or what dates you want a Spikeball Specialist.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible with a breakdown of the items including additional free items you are entitled to as a Education Partner (usually within 24 hours).
2 - Request an Invoice
Once you have cleared the purchase with your school let us know that you would like to go ahead and we'll send you an invoice.
And yes, we can chat with the accounts department if that helps!
3 - Here they come!
If you can send us a Purchase Order we'll ship straight away. Otherwise, we'll wait until the invoice is paid.
All you have to do now is tell your friends!
We're not the only passionate ones...
Sandra, Marist College Bendgio, VICThe students love the Spikeball kits so much we had to purchase more! If you don’t have a Spikeball kit yet you’re crazy, hours of fun for all!
Jesse, Geelong Sports Hub, VICWe've introduced Roundnet to hundreds of kids and they love it! The students quickly get involved and have a go which is probably why teachers love it too!
Why Pro
Why we recommend Spikeball Pro for Schools
The Spikeball Pro Kit has a 33% thicker frame and legs than the Original Spikeball Kit making it the best fit for the kind of use expected in a school setting.
Longer Lasting + Fewer Replacement Parts = Best Long Term Value
Plus, as the Official Tournament Kit, your students will be playing on the global standard.
Need help deciding?
We are passionate about Roundnet and want to make sure that you have the right equipment for your school's needs.
If you aren't quite sure which kits to order or how many to order for your size school, that's fine. You can go ahead and complete the form above (just leave quantities at zero) and we'll get in touch with you to see if we can help.